What to expect
Please come to your appointment completely eye-makeup free to ensure you get the most out of your lash appointment, so that time is not wasted removing eye makeup! Lashes must be free of oil, makeup, and all residue for proper adhesion of extensions.
Contact lenses must also be removed prior to your appointment, though they can be reapplied immediately following your appointment.
Please disclose any allergies, or eye conditions, medications or products and treatments used on and around the eye area.
Keep lashes dry for a minimum of 24-48 hours this means no steam saunas or swimming, too. For this reason, it is advised that appointments are made 2-3 days before vacations and big events.
Avoid all oil-based products such as makeup, makeup removers, and skincare, as it can interfere with the longevity of lash extensions and adhesion.
Be sure to gently brush and cleanse lashes with an oil-free cleanser daily. For your convenience, we also offer a lash cleansing solution for purchase.
Book your fills for every two to three weeks. Lashes go through natural shedding and growth cycles, which is why regular maintenance is important! Proper care can, however, increase time between required fill appointments.
What to expect
Bring along the makeup you apply and any photos of the look that you want to achieve.
Make sure your health is in good condition, a medical history form will need to be completed.
48 hours prior to your procedure, DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL or CAFFEINE.
1 week prior to your procedure, DO NOT TAKE any blood thinners such as Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, B6, Omega 3, Gingko Biloba, St. Johns Wort, evening Primrose unless medically necessary - you may resume immediately after the procedure.
Avoid booking during your menstrual cycle as it can increase pain sensitivity.
No waxing, tanning or tinting the eyebrow area 3 days before your appointment.
No anti-aging treatments such as microdermabrasion, chemical peels, laser, facials 2 weeks before your appointment.
No facial injections 1 month prior to procedure.
On the day of your appointment avoid caffeine/exercise and wash your hair since hot showers are not recommended, baths are ideal.
It is normal to experience some swelling and soreness, this will subside within a few days.
Do not touch the healing area with your fingers- they may contain bacteria.
Do not touch, scratch, rub, pick or peel at the healing skin and allow it to flake off on its own.
You may rinse with water and lightly pat the area dry.
No makeup, facials, sweating, sun, tanning, sauna, jacuzzi, swimming until the area is completely healed post procedure and after all touch-ups.
Avoid immersing the eyebrow area in water.
Do not use anti-aging products that contain Lactic acids or Glycolic acids it will fade your pigment area.
Use a total sun block after the procedure area has healed to prevent future fading of pigment colour.
You may resume regular activities once you have completed the peeling phase.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in pigment colour loss!
Touch-up visits should be scheduled between 6-8 weeks post procedure.
After 12 weeks, colour changes, or changing your mind on thickness will cost additional.